John Mc

This is a collection of my thoughts. Some of the thoughts that I once had, I no longer do. Some thoughts I have now I have never had. Yet none shal be discounted. This blog is soley for the enjoyment of the author and the readers. On occasion the views expressed are overly exagerated in order to prove a point. Also there may be a dirty word or thought in some of the posts. Grow up and take this for what it's worth - a blog that barely anyone will ever see.


Independence Day

A very happy 4th of July to all 3.3 of my readers! Speaking of 3.3 of things (bad transition, I know) how would you like to see 3.3 million fireworks go off at the same time? As long as you swear you will remember the true meaning of this day, I will let you click on the picture of the greatest city in the world's (Chicago) fireworks display. I will let you know that they over did it on the wick. But, then again, with 3.3 million fireworks... I might do the same thing. Enjoy, friends and a very happy 4th of July.


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