Wow. Out of pure curiosity, I just installed a "Stat Counter" on this site yesterday and took a look at it this evening. Pretty interesting stuff! This counter tells me how long you've been at my site, where you're from and if you came back for more!
Majority of people stay on my site for over an hour (Wow! Thanks). And here are just a few of the cities that have been recorded for today:
Lynnwood, Washington
Nashville, Tennessee
Mattoon, Illinois
Naperville, Illinois
Milpitas, California
Bloomington, Illinois
Reston, Virginia
Omaha, Nebraska
Chicago, Illinois
Ft. Wayne, Indiana
Carlinville, Illinois
And even:
Barcelona, Spain
Swindon, England
Now, some of the places in Illinois, I was expecting. I know some people in those towns, but HOLY CRAP! I've gone international and I didn't even know it!
There have been a total of 33 people that viewed my site between midnight and 6pm Central Time.
I guess I should post more. Didn't realize that you cared! (tear)
Majority of people stay on my site for over an hour (Wow! Thanks). And here are just a few of the cities that have been recorded for today:
Lynnwood, Washington
Nashville, Tennessee
Mattoon, Illinois
Naperville, Illinois
Milpitas, California
Bloomington, Illinois
Reston, Virginia
Omaha, Nebraska
Chicago, Illinois
Ft. Wayne, Indiana
Carlinville, Illinois
And even:
Barcelona, Spain
Swindon, England
Now, some of the places in Illinois, I was expecting. I know some people in those towns, but HOLY CRAP! I've gone international and I didn't even know it!
There have been a total of 33 people that viewed my site between midnight and 6pm Central Time.
I guess I should post more. Didn't realize that you cared! (tear)
At 11:27 AM, Looney73 said…
That is great John! Now don't let all this fame go to that big fat head of yours :)
At 11:53 AM, John Mc. said…
The reason I chose this template was because it was blue. I like blue. It is also simple. That way more attention is given to the content instead of a flashy website. And Mark, don't worry. It won't. Soon the merchendizing will be up and rolling. Who else would like a "John Mc" leather jacket?
At 5:13 AM, Jatin Sethi said…
funny happy valentines day images
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