John Mc

This is a collection of my thoughts. Some of the thoughts that I once had, I no longer do. Some thoughts I have now I have never had. Yet none shal be discounted. This blog is soley for the enjoyment of the author and the readers. On occasion the views expressed are overly exagerated in order to prove a point. Also there may be a dirty word or thought in some of the posts. Grow up and take this for what it's worth - a blog that barely anyone will ever see.



Well, the Bears lost. That sucked. The Colts lost. That sucked too. Now I don't give a rats-ass who gets to the Super Bowl. I never had much faith in Grossman. Especially due to his lack of experience. While Orton rarely went to the air attack, at least he did what was necessary to win games... let the defense win games. But even our defense couldn't stop Smith yesterday. Oh well. As a Cubs fan says "There's always next year."
Busted out the George Forman grill yesterday. Got it for Christmas and nearly returned it. I have a regular grill, why would I need this one too? But, I was encouraged to try it. Damn, it's fast. Burgers done in about 5 minutes instead of constantly flipping them on my regular grill. This is going to be fun.
Also been using my crock pot more. That thing is freakin' amazing. Toss all the crap in it, set it and then go about your business. When 4 hours have passed, turn it off and you're good to go. Freakin' sweet.
I have been staying in Effingham a lot recently. I do realize that I've missed out on a few parties and things like that, but I'm getting sick of the drive. Plus, I know enough people down here to keep me occupied. Or I have the option of enjoying the quiet of being alone.
Just bought a flat-screen 27" for the Bears play-off attempts. (Guess it got SOME use...) and now have a full second bedroom in my place. Things are really coming together. I also got some random nick-nacks like candle holders and fountains. (Chicks dig 'em, TRUST ME!) But, the tv got some use yesterday with one Bears game and with the new season of 24. If you haven't seen 24, it isn't too late to get in on this INCREDIBLE show. I'd venture to say it is the best drama on TV right now. I do realize there are quite a few CSI freaks and some folks hanging onto ER and other stuff, but 24 blows them all away in my opinion.
It's on again tonight with the next 2 hours. To get a re-cap of what's happened minute-by-minute you can check out
Oh, I've also tried out this "" crap recently. It has introduced me to several new folks. Interesting, but I know that I'm going to tire of it soon.
That's what's on my mind right now. More later when it cycles again.


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